Mon 27 Jan
🏈🏈🏈👄MISS MOCHA👄 Sexy, Thick, Ebony Goddess ,🚙💨 803.306.3951💰💰🏈🏈🏈 - 21
(Columbia, Broad River OutCalls Only!!!)
°[LooK NoW) = [ Âb§OLutLy ] == [ ÂmÂzInG] =]°= °[= [ PLÂ¥MÂT'] 60 RoSe sPecIaL* - 21
(Columbia, columbia/ garners ferry I.77)
My Mouf Is Ur Jacuzzi... Come relax in it ... * Pink Diamond * $exy Red Thick_bbw _ IM BACK - 25
(Columbia, coiumbia,)
Big & Beautiful BAD ASS Ms. Monique I can't STOP till the LAST DROP. Reviewed WELL - 29
NeW _2__ PDX _ {B} {L} {0} {N} {D} {E} ___ " ❤ " ERS ___ "WaTeR W0RKS" ___ GUARANTEED - 23
(P_D_X_ ★ Vancouver ★)
Miami here to take you to paradise Pin me down Fold me up and I'll give you what you need - 19
(Columbia, piney grove secure descrite safe)
i loveeee making your day --BUSTy DD's 50 spec ---NEW**modeling HiGH Heels - 22
(Columbia, columbia out-incalls ... all night)
Come Be This Sexy👄Freaky 🌟RockStar🌟👅💦Valantine❤ $$$$ 🌺 Incalls Only🌺 - 23
(Philadelphia, Northeast Philadelphia (Incalls Only))
2girls special 💋Sinfully SWEET! Upscale & Kinky;) lets have funn - 25
(Houston, Beltway8 && 59S && Galleria Area&& hwy6)
___ --- ___ $90___ specials ___ & ___ 2 girl ___ options!!! --___----- All nite!! - 28
(north new jersey)
Black Chyn@ - Addictive 🔥Exotic Thick Playmate💎Unforgettable Experience💎Call Me √•:-)$60Qv 20min√ - 21
(Broad river rd incalls only💦🌹🍫💯, Columbia)
♥♡100.00 SPECIALS♡♥ thICk SeXy ReDBoNe★ SPECIALS★out calls ONLY! come MAKE ME TAP OUT... - 25
(Columbia, out calls♥ discreet ♡)
(Columbia 803-463-1806)
SEXI MIXED BIG BOOTY Girl 100% real pix ...Sat. 80specials 34 DD!!!! - 21
(East Side, upper eastside)
36DD-25-36 $200 hr SHORT DRESS & HEELS! CALL NOW sweet, seductive, sexy!call 4 special! - 22
➡➡Freaky, Kinky and Open Minded______Portland's New Obsession ★ Japanese Mix ★ Can You Get Me Off 💎 - 25
(Portland, Pvt Incall 🍬 ask for special)
VISITING till Wed !!! Milatary Discount !! NO Rushing HERE !! No Upsale!! !! - 37
(RiverSide/ I-75 Exit 169)
╠╣OT ▒ A L L . N A T U R A L CuRvY CuTiE ツ♥ツ♥ツ bEAUTiFUL b◯◯b'sツ♥ツ♥ツ SѺft ↓N SeXi - 21
(Macon, Your Bedroom or Mine)
-:¦:- SeXy (R) (e) (D) (H) (e) (A) (d) -:¦:-HoT LiL (B) (r) (U) (n) (E) (t) (T) (e)-:¦:- - 24
(Macon/Surrounding Areas)
*******Nice and sweet Texas girl in your city $45 special ****** - 26
(Macon, Warner robins Watson Blvd)
MERCEDES' .. the phenomenon! Warner Robins 60 incall or outcall - 25
(Macon, Macon/ Warner Robins/ WATSON)
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Come Taste a Sweet Juicy GA Peach with Lucious Red DDD Melons - 42
(Macon, Warner Robins, EDIWRIAFAD)
_____ _______ H __ A __ Z __ E __ L __________ D __ O __ L __ L ____________________ - 22
(Macon, Warner Robins @Jazzy's Place)
.......... HOTTEST WILDEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE.... (visiting sun.. & mon. only) ............. - 26
..»(¯`v´¯)» ___ _ x__x _T _R __ M_ __ -: -__§ _K_ i_L _L_ §__» (¯`v´¯)» - 22
(downtown san jose)
#1 All American Dream Girl! Soft Lips SmOoth Skin! Round Phat BOoty && Banging Curves! × Angela - 21
(Boston, North Shore, Your place ONLY!)
❤×(( ✰ MOUTHWATERING ✰ )) ×❤× (( ✰ DREAM ✰ GIRL ✰ )) ×❤× ⇨Classy ⇨Cutie ⇨ - 25
(Fairfield, FairField Vallejo Vacaville, North Bay)
❤×(( ✰ MOUTHWATERING ✰ )) ×❤× (( ✰ DREAM ✰ GIRL ✰ )) ×❤× ⇨Classy ⇨Cutie ⇨ - 25
(Fairfield, FairField Vallejo Vacaville, North Bay)
~~ * *:::Seductive beauty with a killer body in Southbay:::* *~~ - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale/Santa Clara/Milpitas)
Wild Party Angels,===Outcalls@ @@Only & Upscale VIP Service@@@@ Spontaneous and open-min@!Jolina - - - 21
(Etobicoke, Richmond hill/Aurora/Newmarket/Markham, Toronto)
$$$ Hot girls looking for guys to party with!! (Adult Entertainment) $$ - 35
(Houston & surrounding areas)
*WOW *==Very Gorgeous ===== Asian ======= New In Town====== Very Sexy====== ====== ======Hot====== - 22
(North of Boston (Rt. 128 ♥ Ex 36))
Thursday morning with fun day hot SeDuCTiVe LaTiNA/ITaLiAn HoTtIE...140 dOnAtIon....iNcAllS only - 23
(South Shore, Fields corner)
======= TRY ORIENTAL Body Work TO RELAX Your MUSCLES ======= - 25
(184 Broadway, Unit 12 (Route 1 North Sau)
Freaky Tuesday 's With Me Are The Best Are You Ready To Play With Me - 21
(Virginia Beach, Norfolk /Va Beach)
Sexual Chocolate... Your best kept SeCreT@@@ All pics %1,000 Real Guaranteed!!! - 25
one MORE Day! LEXiNGTON! Ms. Rorrie Shae "80" Special 4ODD-28-34 .REV!EWED. CUTE & BUSTY Ebony Lady! - 32
** * Super Star *Bailey ** She is the BOMB **North Shore * New Orleans ** - 26
(North Shore/New Orleans)
Specials$$$ Specials$$ all weekend long...your search ends now - 28
(New Orleans, Downtown,Metairie,westbank)
PeRfEcT ChOiCeח��x ((CLASSY :HOTTIES IN TOWN) x���x ((cAll Now)) - 21
(New Orleans, OUTCALLS..2 girl show)
*OUTCALL OnlY💛 BiG b00Ty LaTinA💎 80/15min SpeciAl💚 naTurAl 36Fs❤️ Thick&Juicy;💦 outcAll SpEciAl - 27
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, 🚗**Outcalls Only**🚗)
★Mixed Exotic F!3xAb!3 Freaky All ReAdYy fOr You ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆ Aw§oM€L¥ RevIew3D☆ - 23
(Cleveland, incalls west airport area 24hrs)
LOLA and LILY for Sensual BDSM, Fantasy, and Fetish -- NEW PICS OF LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 50
(Cleveland, Cleveland - Brookpark)
$pecials $pecials $pecials ( . )( . ) Im here for you Morning< Noon< and Night
(Old Town Alexandria Va/ Rte. 1)